Sustainability for Blohm Jung GmbH means acting responsibly at an economic, environmental and social level,  in the sense of future generations.

Only in close cooperation with our suppliers can we can jointly minimize sustainability risks and seize opportunities. A competitive, globally balanced and locally anchored supplier network is therefore essential to our success. As our suppliers play a crucial role in our sustainable value chain, Blohm Jung GmbH also expects them to pledge a clear commitment to sustainability.

Supplier standards

As part of the UNITED GRINDING Group , we ask our suppliers to uphold the same economic, environmental and social responsibility that we impose on ourselves. These sustainability standards and principles are enshrined in the principles  of our corporate values.

Identify risks and seize opportunities

Our  objectives are to minimize risks in the supply chain and to maximize the opportunities of our supplier network as best as possible.

To this end, we use a supplier management that not only takes into account quality, costs and availability, but also consistent innovation and sustainability.

We have also set up a system of suitable processes to systematically identify potential risks in our supply chain. This consists of supplier assessments and self-assessments, as well as on-site inspections (audits).

Above all, we are guided by the principles of developing our suppliers in close cooperation based on partnership and building skills in the long term.


Economical responsibility

Our principle is to finance our growth exclusively from its own resources. This will ensure our financial independence and provide the basis for sustainable and positive development. Our goal is to create values and increase corporate value. 

Long-term positive development is more important for us than short-term success. This is the case for research and development expenditure, which is constantly above the industry average, as well as for the high investment and development of new business areas.

Environmental responsibility

Environmental protection is one of the main objectives of the United Grinding Group. It is not detached from other objectives, but rather is an integral part of the long-term corporate strategy. The pursuit of the highest possible product quality also includes the economical use of resources. This applies to both our production processes and our products. The aim of our environmental policy is to reconcile environmental protection and economic efficiency.

Social responsibility

Our economic activity is based on social principles that we have committed to our employees, customers, suppliers and other business partners. It is an important objective for us to use the capital at our disposal so that we can offer our employees interesting and secure jobs. A particular concern is the training of young people, in order to give them a good start in their working lives. Safeguarding the future, health protection, further training, occupational safety and the promotion of diversity in our businesses are important issues to promote our sustainability.
