
The JUNG brand is considered to be one of the first addresses for the highest precision and surface finishes in surface and profile grinding in more than 50 countries. More than 19,000 machines supplied worldwide have established a high standard in grinding and have established an excellent reputation for precision, durability and reliability.

Berlin Development Years
- Founding of the Karl Jung company in Berlin. Business objective: Development of high precision grinding machines (1919)
- Introduction of the first hydraulic surface grinding machine (1925)
- Start with production of its own high precision spindle. (1931)
- Development of the JUNG G 60 with the cross slide principle and standing pillar (1938)
- Dismantling of the entire plant in Berlin (1945)

Göppinger Awakening
- Reconstruction of K.Jung GmbH in Göppingen and new start of production of high precision grinding machines (1948)
- Introduction and start of production of the legendary HF50 series (1962)

Start in CNC Technology
- Development of the first NC-controlled high precision surface and profile grinding machine in Germany. Introduction and start of production of the JF series (1977)
- Introduction of the first NC-controlled set-up device in Europe, the 3-axis profile dressing device PA30K (1979)
- Introduction of the new CNC-controlled series with Siemens 805 and 810 (1989)
- JR 350 (round table)
- JA 400 / 500 / 600 (surface and profile grinding)
- JC 500 (feed grinding)
- JP 800 (gantry design)
- Patent for CNC - controlled PA 31 K profile dressing device with 4 autochangeable diamonds (1989)

Innovations in profile grinding technology
- Presentation of the first fully automated grinding center JC500Z with automatic workpiece and grinding wheel change (1992)
- Introduction of the completely newly developed C740 high precision surface grinding machine with fully digitised drive technology (1993)
- Introduction of the Windows programming system GRIPS (1995)
- Introduction of the JUNG S320 fast lift grinding machine with linear motor technology (1998)
- Takeover of K.JUNG GmbH by the Körber Schleifring Group as a supplement to the product range in the high precision area (23.12.1998)

Intelligent and precise into the new millennium
- New development of the JE series with "Easy Control" (2001)
- Presentation of the new "PA37K" profile dressing device with 6-fold diamond star or diamond wheel (2002)
- New development of the JUNG Vario with modular cross slide concept for highest precision and quality levels (2007)
- Merger with Blohm Maschinenbau GmbH to form Blohm Jung GmbH (2008)

A new generation of machines
Körber Schleifring becomes UNITED GRINDING.
The members of the UNITED GRINDING Group will present the new generation of machines in the new design at EMO in Hannover in September for the first time.
JUNG introduces the new J600 at EMO – the first machine of a new generation of machines.

The JUNG brand celebrates its 100th anniversary.
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